Me and my friends Kent Bryan, Arrah, Marley, Mary Easter Joy, and Queenie planned to go and meet up in plaza because we like to have a get together. In a Thursday afternoon because there was no class at that time this was a good day for an adventure. We meeted at the Rizal Statue and we planned who is late to come will tell us a secret. We also planned to bring cameras so we can take pictures. But Marley and Queenie was shy to be pictured so we make them as a camerawoman. We first explored the kiosk. We were so lucky that no people was hanging out in the kiosk so we had a good time. Then we circled around the skating rings. We had fun with playing Tag (dakpanay) and racing who can run fast. Then we had a break eating at Halang Halang. We enjoy eating barbeque
with rice and soy sauce. We enjoy drinking Coke, laughing, doing some chica chica and also admitting our crushes. After break we are so worried because the sky is fulled with a huge cimulu nimbus and a huge rain might come. But with didnt care about it all we cared about is we will just have fun. We continued our fun by doing like model like picture taking .
We pictured funny and wacky pictures in the Rizal Statue, in the benches, in the famous landmarks and taking a group pictures. After those fun picturing we hiked over plaza but we stopped in the basketball court because we watched a basketball game. It was interesting because it was gays vs tomboys. The game ended with the tomboys winning a very very large margin 50-20 a man told me.
We also tried eating balots. And it was also the first time that Queenie ate a balot. She said balot was delicious. Then we headed to our last destination in our adventure which was the sea wall. We breath fresh air, and feeled the smooth wind. But it was already 5:30 PM so we have to go home. We part ways by doing a group hug. We have never expirience a great adventure like this going around the City Plaza with our friends with great laughter, joy, and friendship. I will never forget this travel expirience.